
Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Last day of August 2005 1-888-407-4747

Hello Readers,
Well what do you know!?
We have been planning our little family gathering for the holiday weekend-and of course the very first trip to Detroit Metro airport is cancelled-
after 11 hours of 'panic mode' and 4 hours of sleep:
SMW called to say - her stolen passport was immediately replaced at the consulate in Rio- with a temporary- good for one year...she and her host family returned to the airport ( miles away) at midnight to pick up the 2 suitcases full of gifts that had been on it's way to the USA without her. She flew to Rio at 6 am this morning-
The passport was stolen minutes before she was to board her flight for Miami.
Oh dear oh dear- this morning we called our congressperson:
if you are ever in a similar situation- 1-888-407-4747 for help- & info
Overseas Citizen Services.
ok- now I need to get to the grocery store-
the rest of the story...will entertain family this weekend........

Saturday, August 27, 2005


On Aug. 27, 1962, the United States launched the Mariner 2 space probe, which flew past Venus the following December.
I am always blown away by the idea that this country and human beings can get a vehicle to fly by Venus-yet- we remain, after 43 years, unable to not go to war with each other.
Granted, over 1/2 the people in the world know nothing about our accomplishments in space, let alone herald their own...but gee whiz..why isn't this technology applied to solving earthly problems?
Vote for me ... we'll put the globe on those little scooters...or hovercrafts- like the Jetsons and everyone can glide, quietly over to work....or we could at least give everyone a bike....
that would take care of the obesity problem/the heart attack problems- more exericise for all/ the gas and oil consumption problem. Inclement weather: move the entire population to moderate climes.....jk
enjoy your day

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

What is the story of H Chavez ?

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Sacco & Vanzetti

Monday, August 22, 2005

on this day.......

On Aug. 22, 1902, President Theodore Roosevelt became the first United States chief executive to ride in an automobile.

.........this past Saturday we hired a pet-nanny and drove to ft wayne IN to visit good friends. We had a very relaxing overnight visit and the weather was perfect.
B.. & D.. are very good & dear old friends....
We had not seen them in over a year. Bob is recovering nicely; both are happy & healthy with exciting plans to spend 3 weeks in Italy next month; bon voyage!, amici.
I am introducing them to blogdom with this note. They still have dial-up at home so I am hoping B.. will be able to connect from his work address *_* to see this.
(Old people with careers- no time & slow to catch on..LOL)
Rocky was fine with the pet-nanny and Xena had more attention than usual.
We "tipped" the nice lady with some fresh garden tomatoes- Big ones.
next weekend we will shop for a new grill.
enjoy your day


Thursday, August 18, 2005

"It has been my experience that folks who have no vices have very few virtues."
- Abraham Lincoln

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

today is the anniversary of the death of my Aunt

Angie-1988. on this same day several years later, her youngest son and dtr in law and 2 granddaughters were in a horrible roll over accident- lots of serious injuries: everyone survived. N & G attended my sister's funeral /wake last year on this date.
They just happened to be within driving distance that weekend.
The ides of August seems to be our misfortune.
So don't you know #2 daughter is in Rio this past weekend ; we were waiting for a ransom note......
she is safely back in the bosom of her host family- with a sore throat and cold- like symptoms. but- well enough to be meeting a friend this evening. Fortunately there is an MD in the house. Gustavo-26 y/o intern. Dtr hasn't said how good looking he probably is- but he already has a girlfriend.
tonight was good- I attended a candlelight vigil for Casey Sheehan and all the boys and girls ( over 1800 with over 3,000 wounded ) who have perished in this war- as well as members of my family; and the innocent Iraqi, numbering over 30,000- but no one is counting- except the people at Iraqbodycount.com- un affiliated with any gov't agency.
Anyway- about 100 people stood in front of the VN Memorial and on the side of the road- holding candles and signs "MOMS FOR PEACE", etc.
I would say about 30% of the traffic honked in favor- if they could see who we were and what we were doing....I have a feeling these vigils will continue and grow larger...at least it helped 100 people feel "useful" -if nothing else.
there were only 3 or 4 people from our township present.
There was not one neighbor of mine I could ask to come along- but it was ok-we are used to that.
Maybe I will go to DC...why not ?
enjoy your day

Saturday, August 13, 2005

5 am saturday morning

Hello Dear Reader,
Not sleeping is not a good thing *_*
so here I am coffee and cigs......contemplating the mysteries of life.
fortunately, a cooling rain has had a calming effect.....it has been just too hot around here this summer. Well I guess it is just right for camping out. Our neighbor Lisa B has taken her 2 kids camping - perfect outdoor sleeping weather. Lisa received a new tent for Christmas. Very nice- she had it set up in the yard the other day to practice....it's a pretty blue color and looks big enough for 4. She has an air mattress.
In the meantime DH- Jeff B, is laying the foundation for a brick patio in their yard-with a bad knee...he will have surgery in September. These 2 are in their late 30's with 2 kids ages 11 & 9 .
Sheila H- ( Supervisor of Hospices, RN ) on the other side of us, had an emergency appendectomy last Tuesday. She is ok and took 2 weeks off from work. Her DH Thom is interested in trimming our tree- the branches are creeping over into his yard....Thom and Ron W, across the street spent a day trimming trees on both properties. Ron has a chain saw.
The "W's" , across the street, have a 31 year old son- father of 3 girls-Britanny Sarah and Emma- born last Sunday. Ron (jr) is on chemo therapy for Hodgkins disease for the next 5 months-prognosis is good.
Lisa and Jeff hosted the annual summer potluck last week. We all get to 'catch up' with the neighbors. DH and I started this with a holiday potluck about 8 years ago- we will host our 2nd one this winter. With everyone taking turns- we have not had to host since then. Actually last year was our turn- but the house was a disaster and I was not in the mood/ nor did I have the energy to host a dinner party. This year our date is set on Dec 10th and we have a pretty new kitchen. una nuova bella cucina.
Angel-face Sophia is staying with us for 2 nights while her parents do some needed home repairs. "A" & "M" will be hosting the little family reunion in September. "M" is making sure the boat is ready to take everyone out for a spin. Meanwhile little S did not want to go to sleep last night- she likes to be in her own bed. We did everything possible -
and she nodded off around 11:30..
Maybe you heard about the explosion at the chemical plant not far from where we live. This plant is on the road I take to get to Detroit Metro-airport. People were evacuated for 2 or 3 days- staying on cots in school gyms, etc. The officials are telling them they can return to their homes- but everyone is asking what do we do with this dust and crap all over our homes, yards, in the driveway- sitting atop the water in the pool, etc. Some, with small children are choosing to not go back, yet. This 'accident' is remakarbly similar to one in St Louis about a month ago. Same type of facility with not alot of people inside- no injuries or deaths- just HUGE fireballs and huge messes to clean up and lots of doubts about how safe it might be to breathe the air etc. I think it may have been good 'fire drills' for local agencies to prepare for any criminal attempts at disruption.
So - if I lived in Texas I would probably drive to Crawford and hang out with Cindy Sheehan who lost her son in Iraq last year. There will be an action in September in Washington DC - I know one person who will be there. Thousands will be showing up to let the gov't know they are not happy sending more and more young cannon fodder to Iraq. Dying is life- but here in this time and place we don't like to talk about our final exits. We don't teach our children that death is life. The current POTUS has declared that no photos of coffins coming home will be shown on the nightly news. Perhaps as more and more families are touched by the loss of a son or daughter, 'we' will someday wake up to the insanity of an eye for an eye ....in these days of orbiting NASA shuttles and incredible technology-
I don't understand the lack of communication that seems to result in big arms sales.....
& planes being flown into buildings and military bases erected in foreign lands while closing down national guard bases at home: oil/ energy companies making huge profits while the rest of us have to count our pennies. what exactly is going on ?
Some family and friends are talking about moving to Canada- some even thinking of emigrating. I don't know how that solves anything- but at least one will not be paying taxes to support a gov't that seems to be making all the wrong choices.
For most of us, it's not an option.
One route is to not support the large corporations who are funding this out of control administration. The "election" in 2000 was a coup d'etat- our country was delivered into the hands of a narcissitic group who truly believe they can do no wrong. In 2004, the voting rights of thousands were ignored and manipulated ...remember that over 57 million people did not want a 2nd term for this group. Well- it is all rather complex and simple at the same time. Please don't shop at Walmart- if you have noticed- whenever the polls come down on the Potus' popularity- oil prices go up- the mkt takes a fall. A crisis is created and 'somehow' the gov't steps in to "correct" it all and we can all fall on our knees and thank the Lord for our born again Christian leader who gets direct messages from God- not unlike those who proclaim Allah is telling them to destroy the infidel.
I continue to distract myself with June 16, 1904. Stephen and Poldy are drunk and on their way to 7 Eccles St, where Bloom will discover he left his house key in his other pants.
.. it is early morning June 17 1904 in Dublin. I take solace in the indestructiblity of these words and pages akin to visiting Tulum, Mexico or climbing the 400 year old bell tower in Siena.
Joyfully participating in the sufferings of the world.
btw- I love my new kitchen
~~enjoy your day.

Monday, August 08, 2005

even if you are only vaguely familiar with J Joyce.....

Saturday, August 06, 2005

August 6th

On Aug. 6, 1945.
an anniversary date....such a painful memory ....
I am so glad I wasn't born that year,
or born on this day. I do have friends who were born in 1945-
they are the oldest "boomers"....the word comes from the noted "baby boom" after WWII, when military came home and immediately conceived the whole bunch of us.
I guess one could also say we are a result of the 'boom' of the first atomic bomb.
Like the silent bomb that killed over 140 thousand innocents; well I guess most of them were 'non-combatants' women and children. Historically, in the West, wars were fought by military: assigned to slaughter the military of the enemy. There were "rules" about civilians. Soldiers were ordered to engage soldiers. I think this bomb dropping may have helped initiate the change in the rules: everyone/anyone is a target.
Even Al queda had confined themselves to embassies and military barracks for the first 10 years of the current era. As in that 'big' one, the old rules dropped away and now we have the slaughtering of innocent civilians with little home made non- atomic- just- as- lethal bombs.

Friday, August 05, 2005

June 15, 1904

Here is the story of the news item that appeared in a Dublin newspaper June 16, 1904 ( Bloomsday) as reported by Jame Joyce in Ulysses.
The 'General Slocum' was an excursion tour steamship which caught fire
and over 1,000 people, most women and children, died.
This is the second reference quoted from section 217-218...it sent shivers upon first reading:
"He ( Father Conmee, Catholic priest) passed Grogan's the tobacconist against which newsboards leaned and told of a dreadful catastrophe in New York. In America those things were continually happening. Unfortunate people to die like that, unprepared. Still, an act of perfect contrition. "
Further on Joyce's characters suggest that graft was the cause- "palmoil"
paying someone to look the other way on matters of safety.
Just too eerie for me.

Why People Hoard


Found this link in a Mark Morford column ( San Fran Chron )
You may not be a hoarder; maybe you know someone who may have a serious problem *_*
Fun to read, anyway, if you are the least bit suspicious of your own habits.
Personally, I have a problem with exceptionally well done magazine issues. There is a pile in the garage waiting to go off to The American Council for the Blind- don't laugh- they collect items to sell to Benefit the blind...
Out of all the people who 'pick up', this one has proved the most reliable in collection. Purple Heart does not have enough Volunteers to sort- so they have this huge warehouse and things- big black plastice trash bags full of things- are just toppled one on the other and stuff sits there forever in a heap. They sometimes don't show up to pick up or come on the wrong day. Salvation Army won't come out this way- there are drop boxes- no receipts for tax deduction.
The Reuse- recycle furniture people in ann arbor want you to drop off the big stuff.
There is a 1-800- junk number- but they haul to landfills.......
Old prescription eyeglasses can be left in a box at the Plymouth Public Library to be passed on to the Lions Club.
According to a PBS documentary- the Detroit metro area is the largest contributor for unsold used clothing that ends up in Africa- through middle men, of course. The clothing is baled, like hay- shipped over, purchased & resold by natives in exchange for food- mostly. Pistons, Lions, and Red Wing t-shirts make their way to small children in african villages. I think they might be the most desirable items.
Now how can we get nutritional items to Niger ? in a hurry- is there no money there for the middle men ? Why is it easier to clothe the naked than to feed the hungry? hmm good question, huh ?
enjoy your day ~~

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Motorcycle Diaries

check site before shopping.

so last night I watched film Motorcycle Diaries- have you seen it ?
Even though Antonio Banderas totally crucified the song nominated at the
Academy Awards........
I had been waiting to rent from Netflix-
Please see this film. The wonderous aspect is that Che's friend remained in Cuba to open a medical school and still lives in Havana with his family and grandchildren!!!
SmW was ill during her visit to Cuba a few years ago and she raved about the wonderful care she received there. Yes- a poverty stricken, generous people.
The hero is played by a well known Mexican movie star whose parents have been in the movie business. Exec producer is Robert Redford under the auspice of a UK production co.
Working on The Wandering Rocks chapter of Ulysses-what catastrophe is Joyce referring to in NYC 1904 -reported in a newspaper that day 6/16/ ?
hope to have answer soon.

Wednesday 10 am

On Aug. 3, 1958, the nuclear-powered submarine Nautilus became the first vessel to cross the North Pole underwater.

wow! I just had to clean out the Temporary Files -rcvd exact instructions from
the Blog spot team. They provide a whole page of how- to- manage. great.

today I have a lunch date with JZ ...we will have a book discussion. JZ is getting a Master's at Eastern in counseling and wanted to talk about a Book titled "Help, I'm in Love with a Narcissist" - for one of her classes ? I read it - it is terribly non 'scientific' full of stories-but the points are clear. Narcissism is defined in the Med Ref diagnosis book for mental illness used by psychologists and psychiatrists.
beyond that.....14 Marines died today and one journalist- in Iraq.....
........ not much we Americans can do about it, is there ?
Is there?
Tomorrow we will have visitors, AL and SL, looking fwd to it. we will have strong thundershowers in the afternoon; our outdoor activity plans will be squashed.
Going to pull out all the old Pretty Ponies, stashed in the basement for the past 18 years *_* Happy to revive.
....on to checking e mail-
jhl- love your photos from the American Colony hotel in Jerusalem-
& hope you can find more good Cheddar!
MGL- reply coming today.
enjoy your day ~~