
Saturday, August 27, 2005


On Aug. 27, 1962, the United States launched the Mariner 2 space probe, which flew past Venus the following December.
I am always blown away by the idea that this country and human beings can get a vehicle to fly by Venus-yet- we remain, after 43 years, unable to not go to war with each other.
Granted, over 1/2 the people in the world know nothing about our accomplishments in space, let alone herald their own...but gee whiz..why isn't this technology applied to solving earthly problems?
Vote for me ... we'll put the globe on those little scooters...or hovercrafts- like the Jetsons and everyone can glide, quietly over to work....or we could at least give everyone a bike....
that would take care of the obesity problem/the heart attack problems- more exericise for all/ the gas and oil consumption problem. Inclement weather: move the entire population to moderate climes.....jk
enjoy your day


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