
Wednesday, August 17, 2005

today is the anniversary of the death of my Aunt

Angie-1988. on this same day several years later, her youngest son and dtr in law and 2 granddaughters were in a horrible roll over accident- lots of serious injuries: everyone survived. N & G attended my sister's funeral /wake last year on this date.
They just happened to be within driving distance that weekend.
The ides of August seems to be our misfortune.
So don't you know #2 daughter is in Rio this past weekend ; we were waiting for a ransom note......
she is safely back in the bosom of her host family- with a sore throat and cold- like symptoms. but- well enough to be meeting a friend this evening. Fortunately there is an MD in the house. Gustavo-26 y/o intern. Dtr hasn't said how good looking he probably is- but he already has a girlfriend.
tonight was good- I attended a candlelight vigil for Casey Sheehan and all the boys and girls ( over 1800 with over 3,000 wounded ) who have perished in this war- as well as members of my family; and the innocent Iraqi, numbering over 30,000- but no one is counting- except the people at Iraqbodycount.com- un affiliated with any gov't agency.
Anyway- about 100 people stood in front of the VN Memorial and on the side of the road- holding candles and signs "MOMS FOR PEACE", etc.
I would say about 30% of the traffic honked in favor- if they could see who we were and what we were doing....I have a feeling these vigils will continue and grow larger...at least it helped 100 people feel "useful" -if nothing else.
there were only 3 or 4 people from our township present.
There was not one neighbor of mine I could ask to come along- but it was ok-we are used to that.
Maybe I will go to DC...why not ?
enjoy your day


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