
Tuesday, May 31, 2005

an Interview

Friday, May 27, 2005

Maya A.....quote

I've learned that people will forget what you said,> people will forget what you did, but people will never> forget how you made them feel."

enjoy the day ~~

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Shaker Heights, Cleveland, Ohio usa

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

waiting ....

.......for the energy to get out and shop for groceries.
no urgency; it may rain again. Have been enjoying meals of apples, bananas and pb&j sandwiches ; microwaved dogs ( wrap dog with bun in paper towel- 45 sec on high) &/or left overs from take- outs
Happily, our major appliances have been returned to their homes in the kitchen.
I just lifted, & slid on small carpet, pc off the stairway & into the kitchen-to a spot convenient for painters when they finally begin ......in 2 weeks?
At the moment- 'normal' with a a place for everything and everything in it's place seems like someone's description of heaven or perfection- which we are told is unattainable in this life- so may as well get used to the flow.......
now I am hearing conflicting advice re: ceiling painting/window sills- door trim- paint first? finish installation of cabinet trim first ? what comes first and how much longer do we wait to get back to being comfy couch -spuds !?! tv is disconnected from cable- haven't seen cnn in weeks. we now have 5 channels on 12-15 ? " screen. Fortunately have not missed a "Desperate" episode & one pbs channel keeps me informed of the most recent 1/2 million dollar 1846 woven Navaho -Ute Chief blanket.
Not complaining! mind you- we look forward to stylish comfort .....& entertaining.
....Happy 59th wedding anniversary to our Gigi and Great Grandpa-
tomorrow- and happy birthday- today to CMD, currently in Segovia-enjoying frittas and red wines...
Drive safely this weekend- Brave souls on the road...
and CONGRATULATIONS to JD in Rock Hill-graduating Friday night & on to college in the Fall....Our very Best Wishes to you.
Enjoy your day ~~

Friday, May 20, 2005



I know some of my e mail pals are getting awfully tired of receiving notes urging action on political issues. I am unable to apologize for this.
I am so aware that most of us have lives proceeding in spite of the horrendous things happening to/ in our governance. Most of us are only feeling the pressure at the gas station. We don't all have family members or friends whose lives are at risk in combat.
Not many of us have a family member on cocaine or in a drug crisis of any kind, leaving aside for a moment the scrip- happy docs receiving resort vacations from 'legal' drug companies.
My readership is not facing decisions on one rape induced pregnancy.
Most of you are busy making a living, some just getting by and others doing very well.
Most don't have the time I gratefully acknowledge to read about and study issues of Citizenship.
I understand that. I remember, as a child, sitting at the adult family table listening to assorted members discuss and argue points of governance. I was born the year after FDR died. I come from a family of Democrats who loved FDR and taught me how Unions had improved their lives. I am a child of a WW2 Veteran. I can not ignore what is happening to our country today- I have no choice. I must be involved even if all I can do is spread the word of how we can with not alot of effort or money, influence the direction of our nation. It is imperative today to PAY ATTENTION and do what we can to stop the fall into totalitarianism we are witnessing. The majority of Americans did not elect this administration. This administration was forced on us by a Supreme Court decision.
The re election was accomplished by denying citizens of Florida and Ohio and New Mexico the vote.
The media has been intimidated into 'soft' reporting or non reporting rather than Investigative reporting. Now one of the last bastions of objective reporting is under seige by those in power : the Public Broadcasting Channels are being TOLD how to report their stories! Our freedoms are being assailed from all sides in every way possible. House Rep Sensenberger is offering a bill HR1528 that would punish with jail sentences a mom who did not report a son or daughter, husband, wife, mother, father, grandmother, neighbor, bowling team member, for possessing a joint. Is this clear ? This means any ONE of us who did not immediately report any known drug use or possession by ANY one we know or love would be subject to jail - up to 2 years in prison. This is, & I will not use the N -word, the kind of thing MY father fought against.....total government control of our lives. This is totalitarianism. This is what Americans died fighting against ! It is an outrage that we can not allow to continue.
I think I am speaking mostly to the younger readers- people my age have a closer memory of our history; we grew up listening to our parents rave about how wonderful this country was in taking on the European and Pacific threats of militarism. In awe- Uncle Marty used like to say "What a country!" Marty fought in the Pacific- stationed in New Guinea.
We grew up as Proud Americans. I used to tear up listening to the Star Spangled Banner- almost every time......I put my hand on my heart and LED my fellow students in the school auditorium in the Pledge of Allegiance. I want to be able to do that again. I want my country back- I want all to know that the current leadership has taken us on a road that started with lies and is strewn with landmines and small grenades, eg HR1528.
When the State can trace your internet purchases as well as store all of your personal information - and now try to tell you who can broadcast on public tv and who can not-
who can attend a "town meeting" and who can not...who can get a washington DC press pass and who can not...that one can be Arrested for wearing an anti- administration T shirt ( google it ! ) we have to ASK what is going on here !!????
Please get the e mail addresses of your federal and state senators and representatives-& /or phone numbers- or mailing addresses- keep on top of them- tell them they will not get your vote next time around if they continue to blindly follow an agenda that has taken advantage of good willed people and convinced them that their God is calling the shots.
YOUR LIFE IS AT STAKE- Jesus said, didn't he ? "what you do for the least of my brothers, you do for me" Clothe the naked, feed the hungry, visit the sick and imprisoned...... look it up. We aren't seeing much of that from a Congress agreeing to cut spending on social programs and education and housing. Don't blame Usama or the middle east or saudi Arabia;
the responsibilities for accountable governance lie in the hands of the people in power in this country. and We, the People, have been denied our Power- let's get back to it-
An Eagle needs both wings to fly, said Bill Moyers- one of the most respected news people in the country- who has had funding cuts for his programming.
One of the people in Congress I love to listen to is Senator Byrd- he seems to be the Last Gentleman in the Senate- as they refer to each other rhetorically if not always sincerely.
The Senator will give you a history lesson with every sentence.
Goodness- I sure hope someone out there is reading this- - but even if it takes awhile to get the word out I will keep posting........and alerting through emails- until we have removed the hypocrites and the Pharisees, the greedy and the arrogant from power.
Comments encouraged- e mail your congress person-right NOW
only then, will you ~~ Enjoy your day

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Applause Applause

Congratulations to SRW who is receiving applause from her Bikram Yoga students!
It is almost unheard of in this business ....
In classes of 40 students, SR receives great feedback.
The Fox news channel in San Diego featured a story last Sunday on B Yoga and SR could be seen doing a difficult pose.
The tv news reporter frequents one of the studios where SR teaches. She interviewed a firefighter and an over 70y/o woman who has been practicing Bikram Yoga for 3 years and says her arthritic knee is no longer painful.
Congrats with hugs to our very own Excellent Yoga teacher.
Enjoy your day ~~

the merry month of may......

Monday, May 16, 2005

more history 101

On May 16, 1868, the United States Senate failed by one vote to convict President Andrew Johnson as it took its first ballot on one of 11 articles of impeachment against him. Johnson was acquitted of all charges.

happy birthday to Dr Neil D in Missouri.


Saturday, May 14, 2005


A couple of birthdays- Mrs Annette D. of Florida is 59 today.....
Nancy M of Canton- hiking or rock climbing somewhere in CA- is 25.

Cindy L has written from Thailand- now back in Hong Kong-visiting Grandparents-
enjoy yourself, Cindy- bring me a couple packs of cheap smokes- only 60 baht !!

Liz P- getting closer to wedding day! July 9......

Renovation update: Details details- everyone warns us about the upheaval- but one really needs to experience to appreciate. Most time is spent trying to find the things you Thought you had placed in an easy to remember convenient temporary spot- but - no- you don't remember. Questions/decisions have to be made - like immediately. Fortunately we have an A #1 contractor who has been more than 'helpful'
This week- Monday- a new back door will be installed and floors sanded. Tuesday staining or sealing - 24 hours needed for drying between applications- kitchen table gets moved to garage- refrigerator will sit in dining room for about 3-4 days.
Painters need to be called in asap - walls look like hell next to new floors cabinets,etc.
New roof installed yesterday - only hours before huge rain storm...wow- good news- timing was excellent. 6 men showed up at 8 am and the whole thing was done and cleaned up by 1 45pm. It is a joy to watch a professional display his/her passion.
Weekend of errands and chores: Rocky needs serious grooming/attention. Trips to Home Depot/Lowe's.
Check out jh L's web pages ..great photos- Have fun in NC/SC , John-
re: jvb in rehab- coming along- court case on conservatorship rescheduled for June 30th.
This is good.
Last Thursday SMW was passenger in a 4-seater to Mackinac Island- where they landed in the city and walked to the Fudge place. A 2 hour flight from Grosse Isle.
that's all for now- enjoy the day ~~

Friday, May 13, 2005


Smoke Pot, Not E-mail
In which it is proven that excessive info lust makes you dumber than a happy pothead. Isn't that great?
- By Mark Morford, SF Gate Columnist
Friday, May 13, 2005

Didn't you already just know? Didn't you already sort of see it coming?

That is to say, didn't millions of us already sense, deeper down, despite all this mad orgasm of technology and despite all this incredible ability to stay in constant touch and despite how you can now travel almost nowhere in the world save for remote parts of the Amazon jungle where you cannot be tracked or e-mailed or faxed or called on the cell or FedExed a package from Amazon.com, don't you just know that we are, in fact, lowering our IQs and slaughtering brain cells like Karl Rove murders joy?

It's true. It has now been proven. A new study sponsored by Hewlett-Packard shows we are now being openly pummeled like Antarctic baby seals by our own glorious and demonic tech creations, that when we indulge in huge relentless gobs of e-mail use and cell phone use and instant messaging and Blackberries, et al., that we are, in fact, enduring the ongoing death of brain cells, the happy suicide of mental capacity, a very noticeable drop-off of IQ points.

And, according to the study, this drop-off is even more pronounced than the happily incapacitated state we enjoy after smoking a large, happy joint. A spliff. Gangster. Kif. Ganja. Only without the dry mouth and the giddiness and the swoony sparkle and the smooth mellow bliss and the desperate right-now urge to lick a very large salty pizza and then have sex and take a nap.

Infomania makes us dumber. Slower. Dimmer. Make a note of it. Write it on a Post-it and stick it on your monitor right now and stare at it like a mantra and then vow to yank the cables out of your brain and get outside and play with the dog and read more big thick books full of polysyllabic words and complex sentence structures and then, oh yes, be sure to smoke more pot because hey, it sure as hell ain't as bad for you as e-mailing like a maniac all day.

Because this is the funny thing, the ironic thing, the thing that confounds us and makes us go no way that can't be true because just look! I am doing nine things at once! I can drive my bloated SUV and chat online and answer e-mails and type in my bitchin' Blackberry and send instant messages and bang out text messages on my cell with my nose and still have room to think fond thoughts about my penis, all at the same time! I am superhuman! I am the wave of the future!


But this is what we think. We think technology is making us sharper, more efficient, more light and nimble and connected and enlightened and more primed to hotwire our bodies straight into the grand cosmic mainframe so we can finally be forever placed atop God's own personal IM Buddy List.

And much of the sci-fi bookshelf is taken up with visions of people as human/machine hybrids, these glorious yet weirdly damaged beings who have happily sacrificed hunks of their analog, low-tech humanity at the altar of high-tech hardwired info glory and we're like oh my God that is so cool! I can't wait until I can play a video game in my sunglasses and merely think about any person on the planet and have my intracranial implant chip automatically dial their intracranial implant and them I can speak to them through a microphone implanted in my tooth!

But, alas, we are not smarter. We are not deeper. We are not even all that much more profoundly connected to anything larger or more significant. We need to know this.

All we are now is more adept at allusion, at skimming like lightning over the surface of things, at referencing the world more deftly, while comprehending it less. We can quick-link and cross-text and multi-chat while at the same time remaining blissfully ignorant of how these very info tools are quietly destroying that all-important human skill, that slower, longer, often far more subtle and difficult art called deeper understanding, and if you've lately been anywhere near a roomful of teenagers, you understand this phenom perfectly.

On first blush, the next generation, they appear to get it. They are wired like a telephone pole. They speak the lingo and are fluent in ring-tone programming and iPod bells and HTML whistles and nothing but nothing in the tech sphere gets by them and you'd think, wow, these kids, they must be info supergenuises by now, so aswim are they in giant pools of gizmos and information and communication ease.

But then you hear them speak. They you hear them try to form a complete sentence about an actual subject of interest and struggle to form a single nuanced and careful thought that has nothing to do with what was on the WB or what video they just watched on their PSP or what their friend just text-messaged them on their Nokia, and you hear them fumble and slur and fall into huge pits of painful, tortured Bush-like grammar and you go, oh my freaking god we are in deep, deep trouble.

And of course, it's not just teens. It is the way of America. We have embraced infomania like a Republican embraces dead trees. We think, because we see it on the Net or because Bush mumbles it into the TelePrompTer or because someone sent it to us via e-mail that it must be true, while at the same time the sheer speed and ferocity of the delivery technology denies us the right to sit back and think more deeply about it all. Faster info, slower absorption. America, thou art one giant episode of "Short Attention Span Theater."

But oh, we don't seem to care. Maybe the trade-off is worth it? Maybe it really doesn't matter if we're just a little dumber and a little less coherent and a little less able to process complex thoughts, so long as we can e-mail 27 people while simultaneously talking into the speaker phone while downloading "Weapons of Ass Destruction III" as the iPod resyncs with the new NIN album. Or maybe that's just me.

Or how about this: Maybe we need to start looking at our info lust as merely yet another addiction, a narcotic, a happy necessary globally hailed universally embraced drug. E-mail as mental tranquilizer, intellectual emetic, Zoloft for the wired masses.

Maybe, after all, it's time we bring e-mail and IM and the like more in line with our other delicious vices and necessary enhancements, and just say, screw that deep brain stuff, it's time to kick back, light a spliff, pour some scotch, fire up the e-mail. Hell, it sure beats thinkin'.


Thoughts for the author? E-mail him.
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Mark Morford's Notes & Errata column appears every Wednesday and Friday on SF Gate, unless it appears on Tuesdays and Thursdays, which it never does. Subscribe to this column at sfgate.com/newsletters.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005



please read this open letter to Bill Ford jr

thanks- enjoy your day ~~

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

May 4th


On May 4, 1970, Ohio National Guardsmen opened fire on anti-war protesters at Kent State University, killing four students and wounding nine others.

hello everyone- at our internet cafe- if you are getting yahoo auto reply from me- keep on sending mail- I can get it here.
just had breakfast - with free refills of coffee and free use of their Dells-
it's great AND the sun is shining and it is Finally warming up here in SE Michigan!
Today is my sister in law's birthday- happy birthday CW-F, MD...
Kitchen is almost done- but we have a couple of weeks to wait for installation of a couple of items that had to be exchanged- one was not ordered and a drawer needs replacing and the wine rack they sent is a vertical - we ordered a horizontal- so we are looking at weeks of "Unfinished" plus we need to find someone to paint- lots of painting needed. Estimate for roof repair coming in today and we are thinking of hiring Rocky out to nearest Shepherd for help with his flock. If someone would pay me to do at home "research" - I would be very interested. well- tighten the belts for a little while.
ENJOY your day ~~

Sunday, May 01, 2005


Today I spent time on the phone with my favorite guys-
JGW sr , JVB, in hosp in SF- cousin angelo called to wish me a happy birthday.
He was making meatballs while we chatted about cigarettes- cheap places to buy-
and quitting- he is down to 1/2 pack/day on a Quit program from Roswell - the cancer clinic in Bflo.
Also had drop- in company - Staff Sgt Marine JTM jr. what a nice surprise.
Joe is stationed in Adrian MI. Hadn't seen him in many months-good to see him.
Then DH arrived home from long drive to bflo for Ben's First Communion. He was able to see his family and cousins. We went to a Big Boy for supper. (yuch)
Tomorrow the kitchen crew returns- but I think they will be tackling the roof repair this week- so this is all going to take more than the promised " twoweeks" .
I have moved all the breakfast needs upstairs toaster, etc- and put a cooler up there so I don't have to interrupt to get to the refrigerator. I don't know how much longer I will have easy access to pc- so I may have to go the internet caf`e up the road a piece.
not complaining, mind you- *_*
Lots of birthdays to remember these days- trying to get greetings out on time.
Many thanks to all who sent birthday wishes- family & friends..much appreciated.
Enjoy your days ~~