
Saturday, December 30, 2006

Saddam's Demise

On Dec. 30, 1972, the United States halted its heavy bombing of North Vietnam

34 years ago.........
where were you ?
I was in Sicily - preparing to travel to Tunis;
while in favor of heading to Barcelona- my travel pal had other plans.
New Year's Eve we had a 'celebration' on a bus.
& suddenly, it was 1973 and we were surrounded by muslims in north africa.
My most exotic experience. Until then, travels through europe were not complicated by language deficiency.
I did try to learn the arabic alphabet- for a day or so and gave up.
Now I think of Jill Carroll and wonder how we have allowed almost 3000
beautiful young men and women and tens of thousands of innocent men women and children to DIE.
Saddam Hussein should not have been executed. How will we ever get to the truth of American complicity in his misdeeds ?
What positive vibrations could have been spread throughout the world to put an end to the death penalty: of an evil person shown mercy?
He had no right to take lives and neither does anyone have the right to take his life.
How about crossing the border from Canada into the US, with uniformed people checking 'papers' and dogs sniffing the tires of your car, while you wait among hundreds of vehicles to get home? Homeland security- protecting us from ..-what?
A smoking ban at the Windsor Casino?
btw how and why did that 3rd building in NYC come down ?
Has there been a reasonable explanation, so far ?
I guess, more importantly, did the children you know get their i pods and xboxes for the christian holiday?

~~"Be well, do good work and keep in touch"

Monday, December 04, 2006

December 4 Monday 2006 10 am USA

Hello Reader,
I doubt anyone is actually reading this -
just in case-
a little catch up-
Elections over and feeling such relief .....even though there are many obstacles - *Sen Carl Levin D- MI is determined to put a stop to the carnage.
It is about 25 degrees here today and no sun. December cold- although not welcome -not as eerie as 60 degrees in November.
Saturday night we went out to *Mexican Town for a great dinner
at *Xochimilco's . The place was jumpin' and holiday decorated- a perfect way to start the Season. Reds, greens and lights.
For a late night taste of jazz -over to *Cliff Bell's on Park Ave.
Aria Hendricks, daughter of the famous singer of *Lambert Hendricks and Ross performed beautifully. They did a great job on *"Route 66" Aria was backed by a trio- bass, piano, drums- but I did not catch their name.
The rumor was that Mr Hendricks was also present and ready to perform- but it was late and we had to get home.
Mr H is teaching at the Univ of Toledo- the family is originally from Ohio.
Off to wrap and mail- & struggle with the rest of the gift list....
Crocheting the second afghan of the season - using all the left over yarn from previous projects- it is satisfying; in fact all I really want to do these days- except reading more and more about *Buddhism in all of its' incarnations.
My sitting Buddha is resting in the family room- out of the nasty weather.
After a year of slowly going hypo- with a low dose of *levothroid- I am recovering. Fingers are no longer swollen- x-tra weight MIGHT come off (!?) ThyCa conference ( www.thyca.org ) was wonderful - Orlando weather: perfect. I did not enjoy having to drag luggage- but really enjoyed knowing that *Wayne Dyer took Sarah's *Bikram yoga class the Friday before the Conference. ( Wayne is a Detroit native & a graduate of *Wayne State )
We were also able to get an autograph from *Thurman Thomas- #34
for the *Buffalo Bills- Mr T spoke at our dinner/auction fundraiser. I understand he is a candidate for the football Hall of Fame. That was fun.
~~ to all of our pals who have birth days over the next 4 weeks-
and there are many- loving Saggitarians and adventurous Capricornians.
Happy Birthday-
"Be well- do good work and stay in touch. " G.K.
~~ enjoy your day
* google for more info