
Monday, December 04, 2006

December 4 Monday 2006 10 am USA

Hello Reader,
I doubt anyone is actually reading this -
just in case-
a little catch up-
Elections over and feeling such relief .....even though there are many obstacles - *Sen Carl Levin D- MI is determined to put a stop to the carnage.
It is about 25 degrees here today and no sun. December cold- although not welcome -not as eerie as 60 degrees in November.
Saturday night we went out to *Mexican Town for a great dinner
at *Xochimilco's . The place was jumpin' and holiday decorated- a perfect way to start the Season. Reds, greens and lights.
For a late night taste of jazz -over to *Cliff Bell's on Park Ave.
Aria Hendricks, daughter of the famous singer of *Lambert Hendricks and Ross performed beautifully. They did a great job on *"Route 66" Aria was backed by a trio- bass, piano, drums- but I did not catch their name.
The rumor was that Mr Hendricks was also present and ready to perform- but it was late and we had to get home.
Mr H is teaching at the Univ of Toledo- the family is originally from Ohio.
Off to wrap and mail- & struggle with the rest of the gift list....
Crocheting the second afghan of the season - using all the left over yarn from previous projects- it is satisfying; in fact all I really want to do these days- except reading more and more about *Buddhism in all of its' incarnations.
My sitting Buddha is resting in the family room- out of the nasty weather.
After a year of slowly going hypo- with a low dose of *levothroid- I am recovering. Fingers are no longer swollen- x-tra weight MIGHT come off (!?) ThyCa conference ( www.thyca.org ) was wonderful - Orlando weather: perfect. I did not enjoy having to drag luggage- but really enjoyed knowing that *Wayne Dyer took Sarah's *Bikram yoga class the Friday before the Conference. ( Wayne is a Detroit native & a graduate of *Wayne State )
We were also able to get an autograph from *Thurman Thomas- #34
for the *Buffalo Bills- Mr T spoke at our dinner/auction fundraiser. I understand he is a candidate for the football Hall of Fame. That was fun.
~~ to all of our pals who have birth days over the next 4 weeks-
and there are many- loving Saggitarians and adventurous Capricornians.
Happy Birthday-
"Be well- do good work and stay in touch. " G.K.
~~ enjoy your day
* google for more info


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