It'a been awhile since I have posted here-
no one is reading this stuff anyway- but I shall continue for the sake of posterity.
On Feb. 24, 1868, the House of Representatives impeached President Andrew Johnson following his attempt to dismiss Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton; the Senate later acquitted Johnson. ( NYX )2006:
D Rumsfeld tried to quit- but gw refused his resignation.
imagine bringing impeachment charges against a President for trying to
dismiss a Cabinet Member ! We have come a long way when we don't bring impeachment charges for serious crimes, (except for adultery, of course, G_d forbid)
so lying is ok, now..but 'stoning' is still operable for adulterers.
I really wish I could express a modicum of optimism, but our national situation is so sad.
today is friday the 24th of Feb....we have about 3 more weeks of ridiculously cold temps...
and I guess next week is Mardi Gras, Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent...
We can look forward to the birth of our 2nd! grandchild - wow...
due the end of April.
CONGRATULATIONS to cousin Maria ( see photo,above with bro Angelo ) who tells us she has quit a 2 pack /day cig habit.
now- that is something to celebrate..Way to Go ! Ree.
SuperBowl- old news- lots of excitement in the D metro area and good press.
I am working on the plan to be in Orlando in October-if you are reading this and would like to get together there and then pls e mail or call.
10/27- 10/29..
enjoy your day