
Saturday, January 29, 2005

South to Canada


The drive over the Ambassador Bridge (which is privately owned )
from Detroit, Michigan USA to Windsor, Ontario CA, takes one to the southern most tip of Canada.

Rick Mercer is star of CBC comedy shows. google: "Made in Canada"/ available on dvd.
CBC/Canadian News programs offer a fresh perspective.

I am guessing it can be found on your list of 2-300 channels/direct tv or satellite ?

"Take a giant step....."


Friday, January 28, 2005


Dear Reader,

help for quitters.

Temperatures here: C O L D.

Listening to c-span 'Washington Journal' this morning. Christopher Hitchens & James Warren from the Chi. Tribune.....answering phone calls with Brian re: global isssues.
(ok- now live from senate committee on Soc Sec/ Barbara Mikulski has the floor)

to J. in Israel: ...interesting article on your host country in the January '05 issue of Harper's.

Photos: I feel if I download anymore software- the CPU will start leaning like the Tower in Pisa...& fall over on my foot....but will likely find the courage to put photos on this site.

WDTW 1310am.......new/different radio station through Clear Channel

On the movie menu this week:
*Anna Karenina*- this may have been a mistake: 1948 version with Vivien Leigh ( who?...see *Gone with the Wind* )
*Matchstick Men* on recommendation...w/ N. Cage
*Fahrenheit 9/11*....a 2nd viewing for me and first for DH.

THANKS to JVB for the first gift/month subscription to Netflix- yes, I am hooked.
What a country ! .... as Uncle Marty used to say.....though it is very hard to find time to watch 3 movies/week- the Beauty of the Deal...we can take all the time we need.

Special thoughts oxox for John D in SC, who had knee surgery yesterday.

Enjoy your day and weekend.......

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Information Overload ?

Sign off a few mailing lists.

Men always want to be a woman's first love - women like to be a man's last romance.

Oscar Wilde, writer (1854-1900)

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

New & Used books


Shipping for a recent order was $2.50

I first visited Powell's in Toronto many many years ago.
Last September we found our way to the Portland store, while
visiting Kelso, Washington, Cape Disappointment,
Astoria, & our dear friends in Berkenfeld, O.

...so much info....so little time....
enjoy your day

slide show



On Jan. 26, 1950, India officially proclaimed itself a republic as Rajendra Prasad took the oath of office as president. (ie India, as a Republic, is only 55 years old ! )

......interestingly... in today's news is a story about Richard Scrushy, the founder of HeathSouth Corp....see references in the book *Critical Conditions* pgs 80-86,111.
The subtitle of this book is "How Health Care in America Became Big Business & Bad Medicine" a quote from page 81:
" "I want to be the highest-paid CEO in the world" Scrushy boasted. "
According to the authors, HealthSouth has [had?] eleven jets, the largest private fleet at Birmingham [Alabama] International Airport.........
Find this book in your local library or buy pre-owned from B & N or Ebay......
Pay attention. Your tax dollars, if you are a working American, via Medicaid/ Medicare helped create this Fortune 500 corporation.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Sea-span book note

*Critical Condition*
by Donald L. Barlett & James B. Steele
2004 Doubleday 265pgs

www.dreamchange.com ( john perkins )


01 -25 -'05


On Jan. 25, 1915, the inventor of the telephone, Alexander Graham Bell, inaugurated U.S. transcontinental telephone service.

Monday, January 24, 2005

Winter Reading

*Guns Germs and Steel*
author Jared Diamond ( Pulitzer winner -Norton 1998 )425pgs
( purchased as a gift - borrowed )

*The Miracle of Mindfulness*
author Thich Nhat Hanh ( Beacon Press 1975 ) 148 pgs.
( a gift: thank you, Rita )

*Anna Karenina*
Tolstoy ( paperback edition/translation with Christopher Reeves on the cover )
forgot where I have stored it- )
Public library found in free book carton )

*America* J Stewart ( a gift: thank you, John )

Link correction


Snowboard World Championship

FIS SNOWBOARD WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPSWhislter, British Columbia - January 16, 2005Men’s SBX
1. Seth Wescott, Farmington, Maine2. Francois Bovin, Canada3. Jayson Hale, Sierraville, Calif.4. Michael Layer, Germany5. Marco Huser, Switzerland
19. Graham Watanabe, Hailey, Idaho22. Michael Rosengren, Bozeman, Mont.
Women’s SBX
1. Lindsey Jacobellis, Stratton, Vt.2. Karine Ruby, France3. Maelle Ricker, Canada4. Dominique Maltais, Canada5. Carmen Raniglerm, Italy
— Courtesy, US Snowboard Team

interesting links

Sunday, January 23, 2005

new web log sites

while we were waiting ....
465 new blogs were created before noon....this morning... @ blogspot. thanks to our niece in NC and cousin in Southern CA for encouraging
this creation.
..and, of course, our man in Denmark / Danmark.
I will be sharing items/info/humor/personal msgs. - for one reason or other.
if you are at all interested, bookmark the page and come up & see me sometime.........(if you get this reference: you are NOT too old to start your own blog.
if you are not familiar with this phrase...stick around, you may adopt historical reference points, to help make informed choices about your life and politics... like- which classic movie to request from Netflix)
This past week I "discovered" the 1943 adaptation of Hemingway's *For Whom the Bell Tolls*. Do you know what a Lobby card is? Final scenes: moving. Technicolor- you youngsters won't have to sit through 166 min of like, boring, blk and white.
Last night: a 2nd look at *Saving Pvt Ryan*. What a film. Everyone in the world should see this movie. Talk about historical reference points. It's too bad some tv stations refused to run it over the Veteran's Day holiday...I admit to covering my eyes to most of the opening scenes- it IS graphic- but as Rumsfeld said "You deal with the Army you have" - or did he say "got" ? "you deal with the army you got" ? In the midst of a war, grammar is insignificant I guess. Unless it changes the meaning of the sentence, of course.
Our usual Sunday morning ritual of reading the NYX, starting the crossword, has been upended today- for cleaning the filter on the furnace & creating a blog.
World Champion snowboarding aired yesterday. I don't know who won.
We'll find out. I did notice U Kentucky lost their game. sorry, Brent.
oh- thanks to Jan S for sending the Tens Unit- we'll see if we can figure out the directions...

if inclined, visit www.thyca.org
Do the neck-check.
time is flying - enjoy your days
and welcome. all comments welcome...please join in.....
ps hello to J.'s American friend/blogger "J" , living & studying in Israel.
pps Sophia says 'Broccoli'- soon
we'll teach her to say "choppin' broc-coli"

january 23 2005

On Jan. 23, 1973, President Richard Nixon announced an accord had been reached to end the Vietnam War.