
Sunday, February 20, 2005

sunday # 21,202

Time........ is on your side.....yes it is.

On Feb. 20, 1962, astronaut John Glenn became the first American to orbit the Earth, flying aboard the Friendship 7 Mercury capsule.

fyi .."on this date" items
are direct from the new york times

memory lane : in 1962 many of us 'boomers' were in high school.
just recently I read in a history text book (1999) that in 1960 there were still about 32,000 Europeans living in refugee camps from WW 2... I didn't know that.

we have a good friend, JVB, hospitalized in san francisco.
he has been there for 3 weeks..no change in his condition.
if he ever recovers they say 'he won't be the same'- I've heard that before and what does that mean ? is this a euphemism for 'totally disabled'?
if you would like to cheer our dear friend with a greeting card
pls e mail or post comment & I will send address.

all this talk about large #'s of retirees and soc sec. - 1/2 of us won't be around in 2014 to collect- so don't let this admn get away with voodoo economics and take away your safety net. People are dying from physician prescribed drug overdoses, environmentally caused diseases and illnesses and toxic treatments for cancers.
Darwin all over again. I hope you are one of the lucky ones- with strong genes.

If you live to be 100- you will have been granted 36,500 living Days.
In current american dollars, that is about the price of a luxury vehicle or one years' income for some. 4 years of college tuition at an out of state school. 91 round trip flights to Europe from the east coast ( or Chicago to Mexico City )
When you reach 60- you will have lived 21,900 days.
with presumably 14,600 remaining- fill them with laughter- at every turn.

Today's birthday: Happy Birthday to BML in D.C.

SRW: have fun in LA this weekend- stay safe.
JGW: enjoy the Wednesday Lunch.
RL in san antonio: Thinking of you.

it's going to snow again today. 4 weeks til the Equinox 3/21.

Time to be still ......
Enjoy this day -
whatever # it is for you........
ps- if you live in NY or Michigan- don't buy smokes on line- your state will bill you for the unpaid tax.


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